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yoIs(objectToCheck, type)

yoIs() is a function (not object) and can check any type of object. Return true, if the object is the type expected, and false otherwise.

There are a several shortcuts for use it, as see below.


Check if the object is a function. This is a shortcut for yoIs(object, 'Function');

if (yoIsFunction(object)) {
// do something


Check if the object is the HTML window. This is a shortcut for yoIs(object, 'Window');

if (yoIsWindow(object)) {
// do something


Check if the object is an Array. This is a shortcut for yoIs(object, 'Array');

if (yoIsArray(object)) {
// do something


Check if the object is the HTMLDocument. This is a shortcut for yoIs(object, 'HTML.*Document');

if (yoIsDocument(object)) {
// do something


Check if the object is a HTMLElement. This is a shortcut for yoIs(object, 'HTML.*Element');

if (yoIsHtmlElement(object)) {
// do something


Check if the object is a Yaj object. This is a shortcut for yoIs(object, 'Yaj');

if (yoIsYaj(object)) {
// do something

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