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Generic PDO configuration

If you want to use a PDO driver that is not mapped into the anydataset-db library you can use the generic PDO driver.

The generic PDO driver uses the format pdo://username:password@pdo_driver?PDO_ARGUMENTS.

That are the steps to get it working:

  1. Install the PDO driver properly;
  2. Adapt the connection string URI to the generic PDO format.
  3. Use the Factory::getDbRelationalInstance to get the database instance.


Avoid to use Generic PDO Driver if there is a specific Anydataset driver for your database. The specific driver will have more features and better performance.

Adapt the PDO connection string to URI format

Let's take as example the Firebird PDO driver. The connection string is:


and adapting to URI style we remove the information about the driver, user and password. Then we have:

$uri = new Uri("pdo://john:mypass@firebird?Database=DATABASE.GDE&DataSource=localhost&Port=3050");

Note the configuration:

  • The schema for generic PDO is "pdo";
  • The host is the PDO driver. In this example is "firebird";
  • The PDO arguments are passed as query string. Remember to replace the ; by &.
  • The user and password are passed as part of the URI.

Generic rule





Using Generic PDO to connect with Unix Socket

If you want to connect to a MySQL database using Unix Socket you can use the following URI:

$uri = new Uri("pdo://root:password@mysql?unix_socket=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock&dname=mydatabase");