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Redis Queue Client

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It creates a simple abstraction layer to publish and consume messages from the Redis using the component byjg/message-queue-client.

For details on how to use the Message Queue Client see the documentation



// Register the connector and associate with a scheme

// Create a connector
$connector = ConnectorFactory::create(new Uri("redis://$user:$pass@$host:$port"));

// Create a queue
$pipe = new Pipe("test");
$pipe->withDeadLetter(new Pipe("dlq_test"));

// Create a message
$message = new Message("Hello World");

// Publish the message into the queue
$connector->publish(new Envelope($pipe, $message));


// Register the connector and associate with a scheme

// Create a connector
$connector = ConnectorFactory::create(new Uri("redis://$user:$pass@$host:$port"));

// Create a queue
$pipe = new Pipe("test");
$pipe->withDeadLetter(new Pipe("dlq_test"));

// Connect to the queue and wait to consume the message
$pipe, // Queue name
function (Envelope $envelope) { // Callback function to process the message
echo "Process the message";
echo $envelope->getMessage()->getBody();
return Message::ACK;
function (Envelope $envelope, $ex) { // Callback function to process the failed message
echo "Process the failed message";
echo $ex->getMessage();
return Message::REQUEUE;

The consume method will wait for a message and call the callback function to process the message. If there is no message in the queue, the method will wait until a message arrives.

If you want to exit the consume method, just return Message::ACK | Message::EXIT from the callback function.

Possible return values from the callback function:

  • Message::ACK - Acknowledge the message and remove from the queue
  • Message::NACK - Not acknowledge the message and remove from the queue. If the queue has a dead letter queue, the message will be sent to the dead letter queue.
  • Message::REQUEUE - Requeue the message
  • Message::EXIT - Exit the consume method


ProtocolURI ExampleNotes
Redisredis://user:pass@host:portDefault port: 6379.


Open source ByJG