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Cache Engine

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A multipurpose cache engine PSR-6 and PSR-16 implementation with several drivers.


PSR-16 defines a Simple Cache interface with less verbosity than PSR-6. Below a list of engines available in this library that is PSR-16 compliant:

PSR-16 Getting Started: here


The PSR-6 implementation use the engines defined above. PSR-6 is more verbosity and have an extra layer do get and set the cache values.

You can use one of the factory methods to create a instance of the CachePool implementation:

PSR-6 Getting Started: here

List of Cache Engines

\ByJG\Cache\Psr16\NoCacheEngineDo nothing. Use it for disable the cache without change your code
\ByJG\Cache\Psr16\ArrayCacheEngineLocal cache only using array. It does not persists between requests
\ByJG\AnyDataset\NoSql\Cache\KeyValueCacheEngineUse S3-Like or ClouflareKV as a store for the cache (other repository)
\ByJG\Cache\Psr16\FileSystemCacheEngineSave the cache result in the local file system
\ByJG\Cache\Psr16\MemcachedEngineUses the Memcached as the cache engine
\ByJG\Cache\Psr16\TmpfsCacheEngineUses the Tmpfs as the cache engine
\ByJG\Cache\Psr16\RedisCachedEngineuses the Redis as cache
\ByJG\Cache\Psr16\SessionCachedEngineuses the PHP session as cache
\ByJG\Cache\Psr16\ShmopCacheEngine (deprecated)uses the shared memory area for cache. Use TmpfsCacheEngine.

Logging cache commands

You can add a PSR Log compatible to the constructor in order to get Log of the operations

See log examples here

Use a PSR-11 container to retrieve the cache keys

You can use a PSR-11 compatible to retrieve the cache keys.

See more here

Beyond the PSR protocol

The PSR protocol is a good way to standardize the cache access, but sometimes you need to go beyond the protocol.

Some cache engines have additional features that are not covered by the PSR protocol.

Some examples are:


Just type:

composer require "byjg/cache-engine"

Running Unit Testes

vendor/bin/phpunit --stderr

Note: the parameter --stderr after phpunit is to permit run the tests on SessionCacheEngine.


Open source ByJG