Cache Engine
A multipurpose cache engine PSR-6 and PSR-16 implementation with several drivers.
PSR-16 defines a Simple Cache interface with less verbosity than PSR-6. Below a list of engines available in this library that is PSR-16 compliant:
PSR-16 Getting Started: here
The PSR-6 implementation use the engines defined above. PSR-6 is more verbosity and have an extra layer do get and set the cache values.
You can use one of the factory methods to create a instance of the CachePool implementation:
PSR-6 Getting Started: here
List of Cache Engines
Class | Description |
\ByJG\Cache\Psr16\NoCacheEngine | Do nothing. Use it for disable the cache without change your code |
\ByJG\Cache\Psr16\ArrayCacheEngine | Local cache only using array. It does not persists between requests |
\ByJG\AnyDataset\NoSql\Cache\KeyValueCacheEngine | Use S3-Like or ClouflareKV as a store for the cache (other repository) |
\ByJG\Cache\Psr16\FileSystemCacheEngine | Save the cache result in the local file system |
\ByJG\Cache\Psr16\MemcachedEngine | Uses the Memcached as the cache engine |
\ByJG\Cache\Psr16\TmpfsCacheEngine | Uses the Tmpfs as the cache engine |
\ByJG\Cache\Psr16\RedisCachedEngine | uses the Redis as cache |
\ByJG\Cache\Psr16\SessionCachedEngine | uses the PHP session as cache |
\ByJG\Cache\Psr16\ShmopCacheEngine (deprecated) | uses the shared memory area for cache. Use TmpfsCacheEngine. |
Logging cache commands
You can add a PSR Log compatible to the constructor in order to get Log of the operations
See log examples here
Use a PSR-11 container to retrieve the cache keys
You can use a PSR-11 compatible to retrieve the cache keys.
See more here