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Special Types

Returning parsed value from Static Files

By default, any value in the static files (*.env) are parsed as string.

You can parse to a specific types using this syntax:

PARAM1=!parser VALUE

Where !parser is one of the pre-defined parsers:

!boolParse to booleanPARAM=!bool true
!intParse to integerPARAM=!int 10
!floatParse to floatPARAM=!float 3.5
!jsondecodeParse to JSON and transform to an arrayPARAM=!jsondecode {"a":"b"}
!arrayParse to arrayPARAM=!array 1,2,3,4
!dictParse to dictionary (associative array)PARAM=!dict a=1,b=2
!unescUnescape the valuePARAM=!unesc a\nb
!fileLoad the content of a filePARAM=!file /path/to/file

Adding a new Parser

You can add a new special type:


if (!ParamParser::hasParser('mytype') {
ParamParser::addParser('mytype', function ($value) {
return 'mytype:' . $value;

Then you can use:

PARAM1=!mytype 123

Dependency Injection with a contructor parameter as array getting from the config

Normally when we need to pass to the constructor of the scalar value we use the Param::get() method, like this:

return [
Square::class => DI::bind(Square::class)

However, if you need to pass an array, and inside the array you need to get a value from the config, we will get an error, because the Param::get() isn't change values inside the array.

The exemple below will not work, because when we get EXAMPLE_ARRAY the Param::get() inside it will not be executed:

return [
'custom_side' => 4,

'name' => 'Square',
'side' => Param::get('custom_side'),

Square::class => DI::bind(Square::class)

To solve this problem, we need to convert EXAMPLE_ARRAY into a closure. The clousure is lazy and will be executed only when the value is requested allowing us to use container inside the array (see Good Practices).

return [
'custom_side' => 4,

EXAMPLE_ARRAY => function () {
return [
'name' => 'Square',
'side' => Psr11::container()->get('custom_side'),

Square::class => DI::bind(Square::class)