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HttpServerHandler has the ability to inject processing Before and After process the request. Using this you can inject code, change headers or even block the processing.

You need to implement the class BeforeMiddlewareInterface and AfterMiddlewareInterface and then add to the handler:

$httpHandler = new \ByJG\RestServer\HttpRequestHandler();
->withMiddleware(/*... instance of BeforeMiddlewareInterface or AfterMiddlewareInterface ...*/);

You can add how many middleware you want, however they will be processing in the order you added them.

Existing Middleware

Creating your own middleware

All middleware needs to implement the BeforeMiddlewareInterface or AfterMiddlewareInterface. When added to Http Server, the handler will determine if it will be processed before or after the request. If the same class implements both interface, then it will run before and after.

The middleware is required to return a MiddlewareResult class. The possible values are:

  • Middleware::continue() - It will continue to process the next middleware and process the request.
  • Middleware::stopProcessingOthers() - It will stop processing the next middleware and it will abort gracefully processing the request.
  • Middleware::stopProcessing() - It will allow to process the next middleware, however it will abort gracefully processing the request.