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Install a PHP class/method call as a daemon

This option allows you to create a daemon process from any PHP class.

Test the class/method call from command line

First you need to test how ro call the method from command line:

daemonize run \
"\\Some\\Name\\Space\\MyExistingClass::someExistingMethod" \
--rootdir "/path/to/root" \
--arg "value1" \
--arg "value2"

Create the daemon process

If everything is ok, now you can "daemonize" this class (as root):

daemonize install --template=systemd mydaemon \
--class "\\Some\\Name\\Space\\MyExistingClass::someExistingMethod" \
--rootdir "/path/to/root" \
--arg "value1" \
--arg "value2"

note: valid templates are:

  • systemd (default)
  • upstart
  • initd
  • crond

Manage the daemon process

List all "daemonized" php classes:

daemonize services --only-names

Start or stop the linux services:

sudo service mydaemon start  # or stop, status or restart


For uninstall just type:

daemonize uninstall mydamon