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Updating the Database

Once you have defined the model, (see Getting Started) you can start to interact with the database and doing queries, updates, and deletes.

Update a single record is simple as:

$users = $repository->get(10);
$users->name = "New name";

This code will update the record with the ID 10 and set the name to "New name".

The idea is to insert a new record. If you don't set the ID, the library will assume that you are inserting a new record.

$users = new Users();
$users->name = "New name";

Advanced Cases

In some cases you need to update multiples records at once. See an example:

$updateQuery = new \ByJG\MicroOrm\UpdateQuery();
$updateQuery->set('fld1', 'A');
$updateQuery->set('fld2', 'B');
$updateQuery->set('fld3', 'C');
$updateQuery->where('fld1 > :id', ['id' => 10]);

This code will update the table test and set the fields fld1, fld2, and fld3 to A, B, and C respectively where the fld1 is greater than 10.