There is a very basic implementation of Promises. It tries to mimic the JavaScript Promises,
however it just implements .then()
and it doesn't have any of the other features like chaining, return, .all()
Following the JavaScript concept, when the promise is created, it is executed in background and the status is pending.
It means the code will continue to run, and when the promise is fulfilled or rejected, the callback will be executed.
It also has a method await()
that will wait for the promise to be fulfilled or rejected.
Promises Example:
use ByJG\PHPThread\Promise;
// Create the Promise
$promise = Promise::create(function ($resolve, $reject) {
if ($num >= 5) {
$resolve("Promise is fulfilled!");
} else {
$reject("Promise failed!");
// After create the promise, the promise is executing in background
// And the status is pending
// We can attach a callback to the promise:
fn($resolve) => "Success: $resolve\n",
fn($reject) => "Failure: $reject\n"
// Show the status of the promise:
echo $promise->getStatus() . "\n";
// We wait for the promise to finish and get the result
The result of the code above is:
Success: Promise is fulfilled!
Promise Methods
Then method
The then
method is used to attach a callback to the promise. The first parameter is the callback to be executed when
the promise is resolved.
The second parameter is the callback to be executed when the promise is rejected.
fn($resolve) => "Success: $resolve\n",
fn($reject) => "Failure: $reject\n"
Catch method
The catch
method is used to attach a callback to the promise. The callback will be executed when the promise is
$promise->catch(fn($reject) => "Failure: $reject\n");
Finally method
The finally
method is used to attach a callback to the promise. The callback will be executed when the promise is
resolved or rejected.
$promise->finally(fn($result) => "Finally: $result\n");
Promise Static Methods
Resolve method
The resolve
method is used to fulfill the promise. It will execute the callback attached to the promise.
$promise = Promise::resolve(5);
$promise->then(fn($resolve) => $resolve + 2)->await() // 7
Reject method
The reject
method is used to reject the promise. It will execute the callback attached to the promise.
$promise = Promise::reject(6);
$promise->then(fn($resolve) => $resolve + 2, fn($reject) => $reject * 2)->await() // 12
All method
The all
method is used to wait for all promises to be fulfilled or rejected.
$promise1 = Promise::resolve(5);
$promise2 = Promise::resolve(6);
Promise::all($promise1, $promise2)->await(); // [5, 6]
Race method
The race
method is used to wait for the first promise to be fulfilled or rejected.
$promise1 = Promise::resolve(5);
$promise2 = Promise::resolve(6);
Promise::race($promise1, $promise2)->await(); // 5